CWC Chamber Advocacy
Additional Resources and Articles of Interest
South Carolina Restaurant and Lodging Association
1225 Lady St., Suite 101
Columbia, SC 29201
Greenville Journal: Skyrocketing insurance costs are closing bars, businesses. Will SC act in 2024?
Article via Greenville Journal
January 4, 2024
The SC Justice Act
SC State House
over half of the Senate has signed to co-sponsor
Bill S. 533
Bill H. 3933
Contact Your Legislators
Senator Nikki Setzler
Rep. RJ May
Rep. Micah Caskey
Sen. Katrina F. Shealy
Rep. Ryan McCabe, Jr.
The Greater CWC Chamber Public Policy Committee supports the Chamber's greater Strategic Advocacy initiative by helping to lead, manage and execute external campaigns to influence public policy that will affect the business community, job creators, and our workforce. Combining innovation, data science, and best-in-class tactics, this group helps the Chamber and business community effectively communicate the message of our members in the midst of the toughest policy battles.

Current Public Policy Action:
Current South Carolina law can leave a defendant responsible for (all) damages in a lawsuit regardless of their percentage of fault.
This system adversely impacts businesses – (including many small businesses of the Greater CWC area) which leads to increased premiums and reduced availability of insurance coverage. Your Chamber Board of Directors recognize this issue, and Chair Lindsey Miles has requested the Public Policy convene and review the issue at hand. Thomas Tafel, Public Policy Chair said, “we have met to initiate a plan of action that will assist us to determine the measures our Board should take, it is our intent to learn specifics so that we can professionally and appropriately address particulars with stakeholders”.
Attached to this article is recent information that was shared from SC Restaurant & Lodging Association , whom Greater CWC is working with on this initiative. Please take a moment to review and educate yourself on this important topic, and relay your thoughts to the Greater CWC Chamber of Commerce.
Chamber President & CEO - Tim James,
Public Policy Chair - Thomas Tafel,
The SC Justice Act
In February 2023, the South Carolina Senate introduced legislation to reform the Palmetto State’s unfair civil liability laws. The bill, S. 533, titled The South Carolina Justice Act, modernizes the way South Carolina’s liability laws work to ensure businesses are only responsible for paying damages equivalent to their share of fault in civil lawsuits.
The bill, long advocated for by South Carolina’s business community, is critical to ensuring that South Carolina remains competitive in recruiting and retaining job creators in the state while continuing to protect injured South Carolinians.
A companion bill, H.3933, has been introduced in the House by Representative Mark Smith. The bill has 45 sponsors and has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee.
SCRLA: SC's Skyrocketing Liquor Liability
SC's Skyrocketing Liquor Liability Insurance Rates and What YOU Can Do About It
Current South Carolina law can leave a defendant on the hook for all damages in a lawsuit regardless of their percentage of fault.
This system adversely impacts businesses - including small businesses that cannot survive a hefty lawsuit - leading to increased premiums, reduced availability of insurance coverage, and a target on entities that are perceived as having “deep pockets.”
The Solution?